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Flowers in Winter 

My story of hope and help in the midst of depression and anxiety


New! April, 2021

Suffering with depression and anxiety can be debilitating. I know first hand, dealing with them for the better part of my life. Yet, through it all, I have found hope and help in the midst of her depression and anxiety. Detailed descriptions of what it’s like to have these illnesses are provided.


With honesty, I seek to take you through my darkest days as well as my days of joy and peace. This book is very personal for me, and I walk you through ways I have leaned on my faith and learned  practical self-care strategies as a means to cope. I also give supportive ideas for those trying to help others with depression or anxiety. My hope is you find the goodness of God and His hope in many forms as you read my story.

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The Two of Us

Intimate conversations in my quiet time with God

This book is meant to help you cultivate a deeper love relationship with God. It is about my many years of journaling my conversations with Jesus.
I would spend hours in quiet places with God during my formative years learning how to pray and listen for His voice. I would write down my thoughts when I felt God responding either through Scripture or a revelation in my heart. After years of journaling, my writings became the basis for this book.
Jesus takes me from the age of nine through adulthood on a heart journey through beginnings, praise, confession, struggles, thanksgiving, endings, and new beginnings. You can read it as a story or as individual devotionals. Included with these journal entries are poems, song lyrics, quotations, Scripture, and beautiful artwork, adding color and life to my story. All of these mediums are gathered and designed in a way to give you the space to be able to enter into an experience with God.

My First Book!

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